dream summer fest

a fest dedicated to nct dream pairings, with
the theme of summer!


for this fest, we'll have both the usual prompting/claiming system and self-prompting! additionally, we also have a new method of prompting (idea inspired entirely by dotae fest @fordotaefest) that we're calling picture prompting!


how does picture prompting work?

prompters should submit an image for prompting — it can be a moodboard or a single picture! any image is fine :)each picture prompt should be accompanied by a caption ! claiming a picture prompt means that your fic should be inspired by the picture and the caption in some way! depending on what the caption is, it could be a recurring motif in the fic, a line one character says to another, or even the title!the caption can vary: it could be one single word, any phrase of the prompter's choice, or song lyrics/lines of poetry. let your imagination run wild!for poetry and song lyrics, please keep to a maximum of four lines! however, unlike regular prompting, prompters may not dictate specifics of the fic in the caption. if you'd like to give a more detailed prompt, you can prompt through the usual method of prompting instead. this is to give our writers more creative freedom when it comes to being inspired by the caption!picture prompting can take place for those who are self-prompting, as well :D

big thank you to the mods of dotae fest for giving us permission to build off their idea! if you like this idea, do go check out their account @fordotaefest on twitter!

have questions? check out our info doc here, or feel free to send us a cc here!


can i both prompt and claim?
yes, definitely!

can i self prompt?
also yes! there will be a separate form for self-prompting which we will send out at the start of the claiming period.

can i claim more than one prompt?
yes! however, please ensure that you are able to submit the number of works you have committed to. in the case that you have one self-prompted work and one claimed-prompt work, but are only able to submit one work, the claimed prompt will take precedence.

i don't have an ao3 account. can i still enter the fest?
yes! if you don't have an ao3 account but would still like to enter the fest, just let the mods know in the claiming form (where we'll ask you for your ao3 username) and we'll dm you to help you create an account! no worries at all :)

is there a minimum word count for check-ins?
nope! our check-ins are just a reminder to you about how near we are to submissions. we don't require a minimum word count, just a response from you to confirm that you're working on the fic!

can i drop out or ask for extensions?
yes! if at any point during the fest you realise that you aren't able to submit your work or you need more time to do so, just let the mods know via twitter dms or email! we are also writers, and we fully understand what you may be going through. just let us know if you need time, and please do not ghost us :(


have questions? check out our info doc here, or feel free to send us a cc here!


hello, and welcome to dream summer fest! this is a fic fest dedicated to nct dream pairings, and all fics should have the general theme of summer. our goal for this fest is simply to spread the love for nct dream, and help appreciate dream fic authors as well!

our fest will run on korean standard time (UTC+9)! though we are primarily a fic fest, artists are also welcome to join in and share their nct dream fanart! more information can be found in the faq, or this information doc!


- prompts and fics submitted must be centred around a pairing where at least one person is an nct dream member! the pairing can be within dream (e.g. nomin), inter-unit (e.g. luren) or even inter-group (e.g. svt's jun/renjun)!

- all works submitted must have the general theme of summer! it can be interpreted however loosely you want :)

- all works submitted must have a minimum word count of 2000 words.

- writers will be required to have an ao3 account to submit their fics to our ao3 collection! a guide on how to do so will be sent out once the fest officially starts.

- writers should remain anonymous throughout the fest until reveals! we strongly encourage you not to reveal the prompt you've claimed until we officially start reveals.

- works must be in english!

- works containing non-con, incest, pedophilia, or sexualisation of minors are strictly not allowed.

- please tag any potential trigger warnings, no matter how small or insignificant you might think they are! the mods will also help check if your fic is tagged appropriately.


prompting ☀ 1 march - 20 march
claiming/self-prompting(concurrent) ☀ 1 april - 8 april
first check-in ☀ 20 may
second check-in ☀ 20 june
third check-in ☀ 15 july
submissions ☀ 25 july - 31 july
postings ☀ 1 august - 8 august
reveals ☀ 11 august

time left until prompting!


    meet the mods of the fest!!

    mod sprout 🌱
    - bias(es) within dream: mark, haechan
    - fic writer!
    - virgo; the one more likely to type with auto-caps...it's the perfectionism

    mod petal 🌸
    - bias(es) within dream: haechan, jaemin
    - fic writer as well!
    - scorpio; less on the sexy side... more on the emotional side

    to fic writers, feel free to tag us in your dream-related #wipwednesdays or fics! and to readers, feel free to leave fic recommendations in our cc! we're all here to spread love and appreciation for dream as well as for authors and readers ♡